Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Oops I forgot...

...to add that it seems that most churches I've encountered who have not publicly agreed to the UCP actually do everything in it. They seem to have privately agreed, and to have signed with their hearts, and I mean that as a compliment.

May we celebrate our cooperative unity!


Alan said...

Hi Scott,

First, congratulations on your daughter's baptism today! I know the feeling -- there is literally nothing else like it. What a delightful, joyful occasion in your house!

As for the UCP, I'm sure our different experiences led to our different perspectives on the idea. I'm glad things are moving forward in many places.

On the unity front, I am hoping that a constructive and mutually respectful dialog can begin with other groups with whom we share the same basic conversion doctrine (primarily, the mainline churches of Christ and the conservative independent Christian churches.) I know that is happening in a few places. It would be great to see that subject addressed at the ILC, on disciplestoday.com, etc.

Enjoy your great day with your daughter!

Phil Spadaro said...

Thank you for the encouraging news. I am happy to see we recognize unity at a deeper level than just a document.

As with Alan, I believe there is a great deal of unity that can be had with the Independent Christian Churches and progressive churches of Christ. Starting within our circles is a good beginning for greater inter-congregational unity and cooperation.

Scott, thank you and your church for the hard work and the excellent example set. Growth, maturity, missions, etc... Seattle seems to be firing on all cylinders.

Phil Spadaro