Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mind Change

This is a shameless plug for a new element on the website--Tom Jones' new website and service called "mind change," an effort to make practical the Romans 12 encouragement that we be transformed by "the renewing of our minds."

When I was younger, I read copious quantities of scripture, spiritual books, and commentaries. As I've aged (like good wine or bad cheese? Hmm), I have found that my actual ability to put into practice what I've read is almost miraculously poor! A little goes a long way. So now, in addition to whatever book in the Bible I'm studying, I also read "a Psalm a day," just to get that "one thought" I can use for Today.

The "Mind change" effort is similar. Give it a try. Tom and his wife Sheila have a way of putting things simply, poetically, and memorably--good spiritual thoughts to help you anchor your week.

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