Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Out of Time

Here’s an outline of yesterday’s staff meeting lesson and discussion, just in case you’re interested. Generally, Tuesdays are “Staff Training Day,” and that includes me. Even though I play the quarterback role for our staff/church, I receive much and learn much from the staff itself, especially on Tuesdays. The first Tuesdays are an “all-staff” meeting, including the Tacoma/South Sound staff. Third Tuesdays are for purely Administrative meetings—nuts and bolts, deadlines, goals that practically move the congregation forward. The other two Tuesdays are one-on-one appointments, our “discipleship partner” or “dp” times. Loads of follow-up, as you can imagine, gets done then.

Yesterday’s meeting theme was “Out of Time”

Luke 10:38-42

-Martha overwhelmed with a hectic life; was “time” the issue?
-We have enough time; the question really is our “choices” (Mary has chosen what is better)
-As congregational leaders, are we making good choices?
-What will we choose as priorities for 2008 especially?

Choose Conviction—Mark 1:29-39

-The rather hectic life and schedule of Jesus: demons, whole towns, etc.
-He was up early to be with God
-I tend to walk with God like a battery getting recharged. That’s a mistake because such a map of my relationship with Him allows me, like a battery, to function on “my own” until my battery runs down. Instead, I need a daily plug-in or nothing works. Exodus 16:11-20

-God gave manna daily—this is a BIG HINT on how to seek Him
-“Give us this day, our daily bread”
-Does anything else “stink”? Do our convictions putrefy?
-Being men and women of fresh conviction is our first leadership task

Choose a Field—Matthew 28:18-20

-We can share our faith “as we go” or “Go share our faith.” Perhaps both ideas are true.
-But if we lack intentionality, will we be surprised if our scattered efforts to scatter seed will yield little evangelistic fruit?

-Are our people aware of the fields they’ve chosen? Have they “chosen”?
-Have we, not as “ministers” but as “members” done likewise?
-Marco P’s example (from LA): set his mind that at least at the gym, “there, I will share my faith.” I’m not sure if he thinks that way everywhere or not, but in the last 13 years, 30 have been baptized that he met in that gym.

Choose a Few—Mark 3:13-19

-We easily forget that convictions spread like yeast, not like Wednesday announcements. Our fellowship convictions tend to spread beginning with a few. Sometimes ministers feel overwhelmed by a “congregational need;” they rightly suspect that preaching and teaching won’t be enough.

-The gospels tell a story about a few; Jesus worked to change the world but helping a few, who, in turn, could teach others. Eventually, Christianity would reach a positive tipping point in Palestine, in Rome, in Europe.

-As ministers, we should “be there” for everyone in need. And yet, we must remember, like Jesus, to focus on a few “who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Tim 2:2). Moses’ lesson in Ex 18 is still true.

Whether you are a member, a lay leader, or a full-time minister, what choices are you really making for 2008?

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