Thursday, April 19, 2007

Scott Green - 4/18/2007

I found out two weeks ago that I’ve been accepted to the Masters program in Marriage and Family Therapy at Seattle Pacific University. Classes start on a part-time basis this September and continue for almost three years.
Why go back to school? I have three reasons. First, I do believe the church needs a licensed therapist. We have so many marriages and families in the church that it makes sense for at least one staff person to make this academic investment. Second, I’d like to be in a position to augment the Family Dynamics Training courses with progressive knowledge of my own—can we tailor the program or broaden it in a way that increases the marriage tools we have and better reaches out to the world? Third, building my own counseling practice over time gives the church options—what if disciples feel I’m brain-dead for the ministry at 60? (Well, I hope not!) Or what if there’s a need in China or Hong Kong someday that doesn’t exactly translate into a full-time ministry position? Being a competent therapist gives us all some flexibility in the long run.

Don’t worry. I still love being an Evangelist. It’s a calling and a passion. I just want to hopefully add a whole wing of good teaching to the church in this vital area.

When I was in my 20’s, I just wanted to get through the college courses and materials. Now, I really want to know it. Pray for me (and Stephen!) going off to college this fall.

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