Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 26: A Month of Gratitude, "Music"

by Jay Kelly

The power of music is undeniable. The musicians in our church move our hearts every Sunday to a place of worship that we couldn’t possible achieve on our own. The popularity of the Ipod (once known as the Walkman) has swept the globe allowing people to enhance their daily lives by adding a personal soundtrack to any activity. Workouts are inspired; boredom is replaced; memories are retrieved. Musicians once lead God’s armies into battle as the leaders of countless victories.

Music is a form of self-expression that is very personal. Though I am not a musician in anyone’s eyes I have several songs I’ve made up in my quiet times to express my thoughts to God. I have favorite hymns, favorite gospel, favorite country, favorite folk, favorite bluegrass, favorite Christmas, favorite Christian pop, favorite classical, and favorite choral music. Carol dedicated a song to each of our daughters that she would sing to them at bedtime and remind them that it was their special song. Carol’s mother did the same for all of her 10 children.

HOMEWORK: Give thanks for all ways music has enhanced your life. Go on a walk with God and sing some of your favorite spiritual songs to Him. You can bring a songbook with you, if you have one to help you remember. Pay special attention today to all the music you hear and enjoy.

Have fun growing in gratitude today. Hope this helps. See you tomorrow,
-Jay Kelly

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