Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 3, A Month of Gratitude "Increase Your Happiness"

by Jay Kelly

Today is Day 3 of a month of gratitude!
Homework: Read Article, “Increase Happiness by 25% today” (link below) only after reading what I have to say about it!

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” -Philippians 4:8

We know the holy scriptures have the answers to all of life’s most important questions, but the world needs to learn this the hard way, taking the scenic route time and time again. The academic world’s best and brightest have frequently drawn the conclusion that biblical principles work. They do not use those terms in describing their conclusions, however. Scientists from all over the world have published research articles about the benefits of faithfulness, meditation, generosity, servanthood, and gratitude. This is today’s homework. Spend a little time doing some online research of your own.

Check out the fascinating introduction to a recent online article…

“Psychological research finds that people's happiness levels are remarkably stable over the long-term. Whether you win the lottery or are paralysed from the neck down, after about three to six months you'll have returned to your usual level of happiness. While these findings are deeply counter-intuitive, they also raise a serious problem for those wanting to increase levels of happiness permanently.
A possible answer comes from recent research in the psychology of gratitude. Yes, you read that correctly - being thankful might be the key to raising your happiness 'set-point'. And there is some good experimental evidence to back up this theory.” -Curious? Check out this PsyBlog article, “Practicing Gratidude can Increase Happiness by 25%.”

Have fun growing in gratitude today. Hope this helps; See you tomorrow.

-Jay Kelly (and the Staff of the Seattle Church of Christ)


Unknown said...

Thanks Jay for this series on gratitude! I have read each day and have put it all into practice and will continue to do so! I loved the first day to call someone close to you; I called my mom and it totally changed her whole day; I was in tears just telling her I was grateful for her! I have also had some good prayer time with God!! I am grateful for you Jay! Sister in Christ, Heather Anderson!

Unknown said...

This has been a fun day of Internet research. I have come across amazing stories from religious and non-religious people who have benefited from focusing on gratitude. I even found a website dedicated to gratefulness. check it out when you have a spare moment.

After reading the article I couldn't help but wonder if the increase in the study groups happiness can sustain beyond the 3-6 month time frame if they didn't continue to do the exercises on a weekly basis.

I am confident that with you in my life I will be able to not only sustain my happiness, but, also increase even beyond the measley 25%.

I am grateful for all your hard work and dedication you have put into the auction.