by Jay Kelly
Today is Day 7 of a month of gratitude!
Homework: Remove excuses today! Carry a piece of nature in your pocket and give thanks.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” -Romans 1:20
The men in our ministry have an amazing annual tradition with an unfortunately polarizing name, “Rambo Weekend.” Those of us who’ve participated in Rambo Weekend are inspired by the tradition. Those on the outside often roll their eyes and drift into visions of Sylvester Stallone covered in blood. The Rambo Brothers have an entirely different perspective. We see 50+ disciples of Christ taking the time to experience God’s creation in a fresh and new way. Only 1 in 3 of the men in our ministry take the trek into Rambo Weekend. It’s not for everyone though our numbers grow every year. Those of us who’ve learned to love it know it’s all about being off the grid, out in creation, roughing it and loving it. We’re packing already for this weekend’s adventure at Deception Pass.
Your gratitude homework today is two-part. First, it’s about getting outside to pray. Go somewhere that you can pray out loud, lift your voice and your hands to the sky. Go in the morning or make it a lunch break adventure. Secondly, I want you to find a piece of God’s creation to carry around in your pocket, place on your desk, your dashboard or your kitchen counter. It may be a stone, a leaf or a feather that reminds you today of the creative power that God employed on our behalf. He made our earthly home beautiful, powerful, practical, and sustainable. He revealed himself as the intelligent designer behind everything we will see, smell, feel, hear, touch and taste today.
Today is all about giving thanks for that which was created for our comfort, our protection, our enjoyment and our knowledge of a heavenly provider who loves us completely.
Put that leaf in your pocket and feel its texture all day and say thank you to eternity’s ultimate artist and provider.
Have fun growing in gratitude today. Hope this helps. See you tomorrow,
-Jay Kelly (and the Staff of the Seattle Church of Christ)
A small stone is spending time in my pocket today. Near our house is a private outdoor pool that is closed for the season. I was able to lift my arms and thank God for this small reminder of his marvelous creation. I wonder if this small stone was un-earthed over the years or if it was brought in via a construction crew. If it was brought in,where did it originate? Maybe from a rock quarry. Maybe it originated from a larger stone near Snoqualmie Pass. I will never know.
Jay I love the way you express your thoughts in words.
Today was a great experience. I did the homework. I carried a piece of wood with me and headed up to the hills west of Denver. I kept repeating to myself, "No excuses, no excuses" as I was looking at a low gas guage and an even emptier pocketbook. I got to the mountain top, got out of the truck, raised my hands into the air, and said "Thank you God" with what turned out to be a pretty feeble attempt. I thought to myself, "That's pretty weak, not even close to 100%". Then louder, more sure, "Thank you God". Still, I was only at about 80%. Then with every thing I had, I shouted "Thank you God for all of this"! Again and again and again thanking and praising God at the top of my lungs. I felt an incredible release of stress, anxiety, and fear. Then I got back into my truck and headed back down the hill in tears from that wonderful feeling of release, also wondering why it had been so hard to give 100% the first time. I guess it just takes practice. NO EXCUSES. Thank you, Jay, for the homework. Truly a blessing.
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